So as I said in Yesterday's Post that since the Market is a Bit Down it is a Nice Time to get in some Altcoins. So I did just that.
So the Cryptocurrency I bought today is KCS. Yes I know I have some KCS already but I do have to increase my Holdings gradually if I want to have a decent Cut of Profits. So as there was a slight Dip I jumped into it.
I will be looking to gradually Increase my position in KCS little by Little. Let's see where this Token takes me.
Cryptocurrency KuCoin Shares? Can you explain me..?
Ok I will do a detailed Post on Kucoin Shares.
All the very best buddy ;)
I hope so too.
I do have a big portion of my portfolio in KCS.
Apparently, none lol :)
SO what do you have on your Portfolio?
Let's share some Knowledge between us @oghie
Yeah, maybe i should message you on discord
Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!
good resolution friend @arunava it's the time to buy
good luck !!
Hello friend, interesting pots. I'll have to catch up reading your previous pots to get in tune.
good wishes for you brother