Bill Gates, principal founder of the Microsoft Corporation, has caused a furor among Reddit users, stating that cryptocurrencies are “a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way”, during an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit on Feb. 27.
He's a fool who is completely disregarding history.
If you're going to hold crypto currencies to the standard of possibly leading to death based on what people choose to buy with it. (drugs/overdose).
Then you should hold Government fiat currencies to the same standard.
Nearly every Government currency that has ever existed has either collapsed or lost 99% of it's original value. The mass starvation and death count of the 20th century through central banking, and the artificial growth of the population through constant credit printing shows a completely unsustainable trend that leads to death.
Not only that, but all the wars and drone bombings financed by central bank fiat kill millions of people every year.
If drugs are the issue, then what of pharmaceuticals subsidized by Government fiat also kill millions globally every year?
Or what of the drug war, where state mercenaries again continually rob and murder people for taking taking drugs they disagree with. Hey these rugs are dangerous for your health so we are just going to rob, destroy your life, or murder you for ingesting them.
Only someone who is completely devoid of reality could blame cryptos for the problems of fiat central banking.