
Hey brother great screenshot of bitcoin graph


Please have a look on my work

Lets see How this Goes

Posted using Partiko iOS

I appreciate your work boss

Great analysis dear..
I appreciate your post just amazing post to sharing this platform..
So Carry on sir..
I will wait for your activities..

great post sir

Excellent btc graphic chart. very useful.

Have a great day Thanks @asmolokalo

Hvala za witness vote :)

Posted using Partiko Android

A lahko malo več opišeš kaj vidiš za tiste, ki nismo najbolj podkovani v tehnični analizi @asmolokalo?

3 15 5 :)

iz 5$ na 15$, iz 15 na 225, iz 225 1125.... kar nekaj v resnici, ali pač ;)

Please write English @asmolokalo

Najlepša hvala za te velike upvote @asmolokalo! 👍

Z njimi obdaruješ kot dedek mraz :)

Thanks sir @asmolokalo for the valuable update.

a very useful program,i support the program,@asmolokalo

hi Asmolokalo
how are you ?

wonderful post brother, thanks for sharing
please see my post

Welcome back my dear
excellent post share

Fantastic post Sir
welcome back

there is no other word for you @asmolokalo, keep on being passionate and successful always..follow me..

nice post @asmolokalo please @asmolokalo check my profile

i could not decipher this code about bitcoin..what are you aiming for ??

nice i guess lol, you trade on that platform?