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RE: VERGE (XVG): Baby, Mommy & PaPa Fractals!!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Sure, I´m also also for diversifying your investment! I just broke my own commitment recently, because I really believe in one project that much, that I took all my funds and put them there (Substratum) - but hey, as soon as I´m more liquid again, I will again enjoy the ride with different Altcoins and profit from Haejin´s recommendations :)


It happens to best of us. Like @haejin says, a good trader is a bad trader. I did the same with stock when I first started investing. Lost 70% of my portfolio buying high and selling low. LOL.

Great thing about crypto is that we are so early in the game that you can make back your losses. Just gotta hang in there; easier said than done.

Yeah, but I didn´t lose anything - still the best thing I ever did (until now) - but I know what you mean... Just wanted to say, that generally I prefer to diversify - until I don´t :))))

haha for sure