Invested an amount of Rs 5000 in may when the price was around 1,00,000. As soon as the total amount hit Rs 6000 I had to Withdraw as I needed money. Then after 2 months I invested the same amount when the price was around Rs.1,30,000. Till now I am using Zebpay wallet. Then in September, I removed the money with a good profit. It was November starting, when I put Rs3000 into Bitcoins, but not using Zebpay. I used a trading app called Hummingbird. Someone suggested me this so I just wanted to try this once. And within 3 weeks. It grew up to Rs12000. Then again I had to Withdraw the money because I needed it to pay my credit card EMI bill. And I did so. Well to be frank the last two credit card EMIs were payed of using my bitcoin profits. And now I plan to put some amount for a long time and will also continue the same what I've been doing for the last few months. Invest when you can, withdraw when you need.
Sincerely, I have no regret of not investing money when a bitcoin was in its initial stage otherwise the story would have been totally different. Now I make sure that I do it cautiously and use it for easing up my life.