
Yeah they've been saying that since 2010, corrections happen, nothing more...
Just to be clear, I don't agree with what you're saying.

Aaah I don´t think so at all :P

Why do you believe this @audie114?

Most ppl only care about price not the tech. The sideway trading action in market over the past month has led many ppl to become "bored" with only minor double digit moment and less ppl interacting than before. If we see break out of the upside, but it appears many ppl were burned from last crash and sold out or otherwise became disinterested. The adoption is low bcz there arent many ways to utilize cryptocurrency that exists. I would ask u few question
Do u have secured wallet to secure my funds?
Can my lost funds can recover?
Whatbif i lose my private keys?
This all r responsible for decline of crypto. (bitcoin)
How oftenly do regular ppl actively look up articles spe abt US $ or Euro?
The tech is nice but price is sexy
Also India & China points bitcoin and other cryptocurrency as illlegal..
Without this 2 huge market can cryto market will b stable?