I saw that article a while ago and that made me think about ditching Coinbase... so I started researching ways to use Bittrex to by direct... but they just don't do it.
The other problem I have with Coinbase is that take a full 7 days to complete the transaction between my US bank and the purchasing of BTC, LTC or ETH. 7 days is such a long time.
Sorry, what do you mean by exchange liquidity? Are you referring to fees or the amount of people buying and selling at any one time? Or do you mean a speed thing?
Also, thanks! I'll give Gemini a go next payday.
Wire transfers are much, much faster.. liquidity means that you can't put in a big order and drive the price up or down on yourself.. On GDAX you could market sell 100 Ltc and have little effect, do that on Kraken and you will drive the price down on yourself.