WebMoney starts to accept Bitcoin payments for goods and services

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Webmoney payment system a few years ago announced the introduction of WMX - the title of a special sign for Bitcoins. However, this mark could only be used for the exchange of Bitcoin into title units in other currencies. The company now offers the acceptance of payments in the WMX for goods and services in shops, working with Webmoney.

All customers, including non-members of WebMoney can now pay using Bitcoins (BTC) for goods and services at authorized stores WebMoney Transfer system.

Receiving Bitcoins to the seller will be in title signs WebMoney Transfer WMX, which contributes to BTC legitimate use in the calculations.

To start accepting payments in Bitcoin seller registered in WebMoney system, you need to configure X-purse on a Merchant WebMoney service. Enrollment WMX to the seller is made by 0.001 BTC rate for 1 WMX and is carried out after receiving confirmation of 6 transactions in the Bitcoin, while the sellers have the opportunity to accelerate the release of the goods by at its own discretion the number of transaction confirmations.

WMX can be changed on the titular characters of other types or Bitcoin.

One of the first to begin accepting payments in Bitcoin can sellers who have created their own online shopping platform Digiseller. Among them - the marketplace with instant delivery of goods Plati.ru, numbering about 60 thousand sellers worldwide.

WebMoney Transfer - the international payment system and environment for conducting online business, founded in 1998. At the moment, the number of registrations in the system exceeds 32 million. WebMoney Services allow you to automate the reception of funds and payments, raise funds, to keep records, exchange settlement funds to settle disputes and to conclude safe transactions.