What is going to be the biggest bubble in world history? What asset class is on everyone's list to own? Is it Bitcoin? Or how about Dash? Maybe it's stocks? How about the cash you hold in your wallet.
Yes indeed the biggest bubble will be in US Federal Reserve Notes. They have all the underpinnings of a bubble. And the mania is systematic. From major corporations to the average Joe on the street. Everyone wants it.
Not to get into figures but I'm sure the trillions sloshing around doesn't give comfort to any saver. Yet, there still exists a mania for notes. I often laugh at some individuals who instead of hodling an air drop of cryptocurrency they sell. And not for Bitcoin.
Alas, will the market solve the issue? Maybe....However I don't subscribe to the notion of efficient markets..For now I'll sit down and be humble.
Only time will give us the answer
For sure:) Time is money..