
Free market always provides rationalization. New markets start as wild wild west, lots of innovators, many copy cat companies, many small start-up companies. Think PCs. There was a time in 1986 when 1000's of kids were building PCs in their dorm rooms and selling out of their dorm rooms.

That got rationalized over time. And now we have Dell and HP.

Same phenomena with the internet boom in 1999/2000. Thousands of small start-ups.

And the free market washed a lot of the crappy companies away.

Same will happen with crytpos. There are more than 1,200 different coins out there. You think we really need 1,200+ coins.

We may need 10 at most, probably less than 5. Free market will wash away all the crap with time.

That is as guaranteed as the sun rising. I promise you with 100% certainty, we will not have 1,200 different crypto coins in 20 years.

Or it could go the other way and local/ use specific crypto coins flourish.