CEO steals $30,000,000+ worth of Bitcoins, deletes servers full of client data, FLEES to China and starts another exchange!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

This is the man behind the massive fraud (13,000 Bitcoins and 300,000 Litecoins) that seems very reminiscent to another large-scale BTC exchange scam, Mt. Gox.


This only gets more and more hilarious as you keep reading. That guy, is the CEO of Cryptsy. His name is Paul Vernon and he ran off with millions of dollars. At the time of the heist in July, 2014 the 13K BTC and 300K LTC were estimated at $7.5M+ and $2.08M.

I used to trade on this exchange a few years back. Hell, I used to use the name of this exchange in my Twitter accounts that I promoted BTC pumps on. We used to love Cryptsy, however after moving out of the cryptocurrency world I completely forgot about it.. until just recently a friend mentioned it to me. I decided to look it up, see how things are.

Oh, what's this?

07734a2f301a16dae45c93d99e973009.png redirects to hmm... a LITTLE bit strange!

Let's take a look, shall we?


Oh that's a fantastic greeting! GREAT PR!

"The class action lawsuit claims that:

(1) Defendant Project Investors, Inc. d/b/a Cryptsy (“Cryptsy”) and Paul Vernon (“Vernon”) stole and converted for their own use the cryptocurrencies of the Cryptsy account holders;

(2) Defendant Lori Ann Nettles (“Nettles”) was unjustly enriched as a result of assets that she received that were purchased with the proceeds of cryptocurrency taken from the Cryptsy account holders during her marriage to, and in her divorce from, Vernon; and

(3) Defendants Ridgewood Investments, Inc. (“Ridgewood”) and Kaushal Majmudar (“KM”) were unjustly enriched as a result of consulting fees they received from Cryptsy."


Cryptsy had 2 Class Action Lawsuits filed against it. At first Paul Vernon denied any wrongdoing and blamed the loss of coin on an attack. He acted like everything was going to be fixed, even going as far as recruiting hackers with a reward of 1,750 BTC to retrieve the coin. Too bad it all went into his pockets, or at least a majority of it. I think AMERICAN GREED should do a show on this guy next. He's almost as good as Mark Karpeles!


Remember Mark? Stealing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of BTC, chillin' in Japan, spending money on prostitutes? Yeah, there we go! Markey Mark! WOOOOOO!

Here he is engaging in a friendly conversation with one of his clients, sippin' on a Frappucino:


Anyways, so what ended up happening with Paul Vernon was basicalllllly, after he saw the grip tightening around his neck with police involvement, he decided to pack his bags up. He just disappeared, until one day some people were able to find out lo and behold, he's in China! And you wouldn't believe what he's been working on, BiteBi9!

download (4).jpeg

My favorite response on BTCTalk: "very strange ... it is very similar to cryptsy" - CoinMax86

Some people suspect he moved to China along with his girlfriend who he was hiding from his wife for a year. His wife was left behind in the States, already in hot water for trying to fake divorce papers with Paul Vernon over their $1.5MN mansion. By the way, for those of you wondering, there is no extradition treaty that would help bring Vernon back over to the States. That's why China is a country some may look into when planning their escapes.

“One of the more notable elements in the report is the allegation that, in April, either Vernon or someone acting on his behalf, moved to delete critical information from servers tied to the company. Sallah went on to write that, as a result of the destruction of evidence, the primary method for identifying how much certain customers are owed is now gone, a development that is impeding the reimbursement process.”

Currently things are still being drawn out for Victims, as millions of dollars are still missing. Some portions have been recovered, however it may still be possible that Paul Vernon is holding onto some Coin in some wallets where it could be growing in value. BiteBi9 is down, but maybe there's another exchange up somewhere.

Could things have been prevented? Well, if there's a lesson to be learned, let it be this:

“Before the alleged hack, Vernon says, the company had first-year revenues of close to $3 million. During that time, from May 2013 to May 2014, he says he paid himself $1.1 million "via the regular payroll system, base salary + quarterly bonuses.”

Peter Thiel, from Paypal, recommends a salary of about $150,000 or less if a startup company has around $1,500,000 or more in seed investment or capital flowing through its veins. Paul seems to have taken Peter's advice and jacked it up a few notches. WOOPSIES!




what a piece of shit!

we need to make sure the Chinese Know about these criminals! they will Not want to be trusting a THEIF with a bitcoin echange on their soil! I am SURE the chinese will do something, they probobly just let him inso they could the ater seize the bitcoins for trhemselves and arrest him for his crimes lol it will happen

Look on the bright side: If you have to flee the country, for any reason whatsoever, you can bring all of your wealth with you via bitcoin, assuming you can still buy it. If the shit hits the fan, having some crypto cash could be a game changer.

I'm no paranoid conspiracy theorist, buttt on the offchance that Putin decides to wipe out Poland at least I have 75% of my money in crypto and have nothing to tie me down here

Greedy bastard. I hate this kind of people.

Short term its a lot of money buy maybe he could've had the next coinbase on his hands if he did things the legit way

this asshole all my altcoins almost are gone through this scammer. Lost my best altcoins which are worth so high now! Thats why I inform other about decentrlized exchanges that nobody will such a loss like me in the past, but now I am back in Town!

How much did you lose?

I don't understand those who steal like this, there is no place on earth where he/she can hide :D

Technicalllllly you could buy an island with bitcoin x)

if it's true, there should be no trial...

China has no extradition, so if Paul's there.. well, it's done. For his wife though, oooo... that's rough.

If he is operating an exchange in China then the authorities will know about it and if he has a chequered past then the authorities will surely know about it. Crypto exchanges in China are a big deal because they affects the livelihood of ordinary people and anything that involves fraud will be severely dealt with.

It's been closed (the BitBi9) but i wonder whether that was due to the Chinese government or Paul's efforts. He could be operating another scam right now. One thing that we knkw for sure though, the internet's hella censored over there..

its huge but its funny ... i think :P

Its funny when you realize the absurdity of all of this. All the bitcoin scams and ponzis. They all have warning signs though. Or at least slightly. Thats why i dont fully trust even coinbase lol


You could do a lot with even just $1,000,000. Think about 10x that.. Crazy.

Super crazy !!!

He is a Bungy Man!!! Dives deep caring your $$$

Bungie man? Thats a fun term. Thanks for reading!

You know Bungee jump? So i made a slang for this Notorious guy😆

Lol what a twat