Thanks for the awesome opportunity here @thecryptofiend
My entry is the video above, basically I'm on the side of Bitcoin should be moreso an asset (storage of value) rather than a cryptocurrency. In a perfect world it would be both, but unfortunately we don't live in such a fantasy.
Bitcoin's main problems are with the public perception of things. It's unstable and highly volatile, it's slow and has high fees, and as it begins to go a little more mainstream it's reputation will be better however some will always still associate it with scams, thieves, the dark net, drugs, ponzis, etc.
In order for Bitcoin to truly succeed as a cryptocurrency that is accepted worldwide and would have a chance to replace or at least be amongst the regular FIAT currencies, it would need to be welcomed by the masses. The average person is still confused by it and extremely skeptical. Don't get me wrong, I'm a BIG fan and advocate for BTC and similar, however it has a very lengthy journey up ahead of itself. It's got more use as an asset currently and to be treated like gold by the large investors. Maybe if there were drastic changes done to it, maybe it'd have a chance at being an "actual" currency but in its current state.. not so much. And IF there were such changes made, how would that have an effect on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies themselves?
Very interesting time we're living in, and I'm both nervous and excited to see what will happen over the next few years. Will our kids grow up using BTC? How many countries/governments/banks will recognize and accept it? Is it just a commodity for a select few who distrust the current system? So many questions, and only time will let us truly find out.
May the best selection win the 500 SP. I encourage many of you viewers to enter. Cheers :)