Hope you have an amazing trip and wink wink new camera needs more donations wink wink lol you should try getting a new camera on your trip or do a little research while you're there a good start will be to consider portability and if your going really high end/ DSLR or point and shoot . If your portable point and shoot i suggest
but since you already have gorilla pods lol
there is the camera by it self.
if your going full dlsr you should consider the canon or nikon but thats if your into camera which you may not be ill link it anyways tho so you can take a look
i have a sony rx 100, but it doesn't ahve a mic slot. the cameras you pointed out are exactly waht i need because (Heard great things about the g7). I'll see if the community can support me on some camera upgrades!
I really hope they do, i love your videos, so i hope you get the community to support , maybe ill donate a bit of doge to get your started LOL