Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2017

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2017

Daniel Masters, a co-founder at the multi-million dollar bitcoin hedge fund, predicts that bitcoin will hit $4,400 by the end of 2017. Masters believes that bitcoin adoption will continue to increase, and more companies will accept it as payment. This increased adoption will be propelled investments in blockchain technology.

Alan Donohoe, the founder of the Bitcoin Association of Ireland, made a more down to earth prediction earlier this year, suggesting that bitcoin will rise to about the 800 pound mark. This would put bitcoin up above the $1,000 USD mark, a price point that bitcoin last approached (and in some cases broke) back in 2013.

SpectroCoin CEO Vytautas Karalevicius argues that bitcoin transactions will increase 10 times. If this proves to be accurate, Karalevicius believes that bitcoin will rise to about $1800 to $1900. This is based on the correlation between bitcoin turnover and price that we’ve generally seen so far. #upvoteforupvote