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RE: Gold and Silver bugs should view crypto's as Allies. Instead they will go down with their ship!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I own both but the vast majority of my savings is in silver.

According to this site:

The numbers of dollars for every ounce of gold is $6364 and for silver it's $771.
The prices of precious metals are being suppressed to support the dollar. The ETFs GLD and SLV sell 50 to 100 ounces of paper metal for every ounce of real metal that they hold. That keeps the price artificially low. Someday metals prices will explode when price suppression ends. The dollar is dying. So price suppression could end any time in the next couple of years.

The federal government could outlaw cryptocurrencies. At some point they probably will.


Yes, there is no ETF to manipulate the price of BTC. I own both PM's and crypto, but my PM's will always buy goods no matter what happens.

We need both. There needs to be a way to transfer wealth over long distances quickly and easily, and crypto does that. Storing wealth in PM's will also continue.

My largest holding is physical silver second is crypto's. I am trying to be diversified