New Opportunity: Learning Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Trading

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I always wanted to look for a new opportunity that I could find. At my age I came to realize that I need to find an extra source of income. So this year I decided to enter into stock market which is good. I started investing a small amount and plan to continue until I retire.

While learning stocks trading someone from a group in a site introduce bitcoin trading. I've known bitcoin a few years back but I am not familiar with the bitcoin trading. I got curious and start doing my research in bitcoin trading.

Bitcoin is a type of digital currency or what they call it as "cryptocurrency" that is rapidly emerging the digital world. If you are not still aware big time companies have started adopting this type of currency because they see a big potential in gaining more revenues in this market. Did you know that bitcoin value now is $2,000+ compared to $0.003 way back in 2010, that a huge leap in just 7 years. Imagine if you have invested $100 dollars before it would be a thousand worth already now. Having said that this made me decide to enter into the cryptocurrency trading.

Bitcoin trading or cryptocurrency trading is not that different in stock trading, you should know the basics also in this market. The only difference I guess is that stocks can only trade within business days while bitcoin or cryptocurrency trading is not, you can trade 24/7 anytime of the day.

I still have a lot of things to learn in this kind of trading, but starting early in this market is a good thing as it's on the rise. We may never know in the near future cryptocurrency will soon replace the fiat currency that we have. I have known bitcoin for quite awhile if only I pay attention to you before I would have been earning a lot. Well it's never to late to start now.

That's it for me here. Happy trading everyone. :)
