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RE: Why I Think We've Reached a Bitcoin Bottom

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

The decoupling of BTC from the Alts will begin as the technology matures, and those platforms are seen as a value unto themselves in investors minds, especially the institutional investors. Now you are correct every one runs to the safe haven of BTC, bc they don't believe these platforms can stand alone.

Evidence of the switch is on Coinmarket Cap itself. Now you can compare USD, BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC to all the other coins. i.e. I think Coinmarket cap forsees a flippening in the future, and is prepared for it. The Lambo comparison I think was their way of trying to highlight that to folks (in a joking way), bc I don't think many people noticed it.

On another note.... isn't it interesting after the 'Cartel' theory came out the BTC market suddenly stabilized?