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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Mid-Day Update: Bitcoin Loves Wedge Triangles

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thanks for keeping people up-to-date on the BTC action. So sad to see all of this B.S. going on with flaggers and people trying to tell you what they think you should be doing with your money. For all anyone knows, you're using your profits to help find a cure for cancer. Probably not, but... why don't you take some time to do some "charity" posts or at least explain what it is you are doing with your profits? People just don't really know what's going on with other people on a social media site. They see massive rewards and self-voting and think it's wrong/bad/greedy. But, they really have no way of knowing. I've always said that self-voting is fine. Turns out I do it much less than I thought that I did (20% on votes, 50% of my actual $ rewards). I thought I was closer to 50%, not 20%. Some people just won't be happy if you're seen to be "taking profits" which are too large. Well, It's their prerogitive to use their SP to try and stop you, if that's how they want to spend their time and money. I don't really see too much point in trying to make a point when the only thing around here that really matters is $$$. Some people have it, some don't. The only thing to remember is this: just because you have a lot of money, that doesn't make you "right," and it doesn't make you "wrong" either.

Good saying that I always tried to follow...
Be honest. Do what is right. Treat other people with respect.
It would be good if more people followed that.