We all know Netflix was really the first movie streamer, with a lot of options, but now what are they. They are a 120 billion dollar market cap, with a P.E. ratio of 223. They have numerous competitors, out dated movies, crap series, and just not a ton of good content anymore. I seem to spend more time looking for something to watch, than actually watching a show. So is there any point to having Netflix, especially when you can share your account with multiple people? I wonder, and I also wonder who is buying the stock up at these prices. Just seems so overpriced for the product. But this does show you the power of name brand, which is one of my main points. Uber, Bitcoin, Netflix, all were the first in their industry, and no matter what you say, whenever that subject is brought up. Most people will say one of these 3 names first. Look at Bing when you tell someone to look something up, you don't say bing it........GOOGLE IT
You are really correct about that man..there is nothing like first version especially when that version comes out in a boom and alot actually patronizes it. Just as bitcoin,no matter its position in the crypto market,its still recongize as if its the only crypto currency and when you want to tell people you use it as a first reference for understanding,same as google,it has dropped the idea of other search machine,i get to even know about Netflix from a rap song of lil Wayne thats to show how popular it is.and uber u got to know from a rap song by wizkhalifa ft Jojo 'f*ck apologies' he said you can call an uber up if you need a ride' which makes it popular. So you are right @biggram and its also a motivation that we should always be a true version of ourselves and not a second version of someone else..thanks for sharing this.i appreciate
It is hard to brand something, but even harder to un-brand something. Bitcoin will always have the name.
Yes, a strong brand can take you a long way. Also, financially the "crap series" don't cost them much as long as they have a few shows people will pay for. And their top series are big draws and cultural icons. Many people perceive Netflix as not crap at all...they just ignore the crap and subscribe for the few good shows. I do, too.
I know, every time I am ready to end the subscription, my wife is like of stranger things is coming out, Longmire is next week, Troll hunter is coming.... BLa bla bla take my dang 10 bucks
Slave to the Netflix!
The thing is they will have to innovate and compete with the competition. If they will just think that they can just survive on the basis of Billions in market cap then they should stop for a second and look behind what happened to Nokia and Yahoo.
Ya, totally agree. Sometimes the first isn't always around for the long haul. Aol remember them.
Yeah, exactly. Now the important thing is what bitcoin gonna do? will it just sit and see himself drowning in the sea of new coins or will do something.
I have a couple of friends who still have AOL email addys. lol
Netflix doesn't even have King of the Hill.
Are you being serious right now. I just complained to my wife that they took it off about 5 years ago.
a market cap of 120billion is not a joke
You are right. Same thing with me. When I start searching for something on Netflix as I start my dinner; but usually tend to spend half of my dinner time searching what to watch.
Though Netflix is in demand now for whatever reason but as crypto space evolves there are so many applications being innovated which could capture every space out there. Like SingularDTV is planning to launch streaming service as well. They already have a solid platform and are working hard towards it. So if this thing or similar to this happens then Netflix would lose its position in coming future. Cheers!!!
It is about them being the first ones.
Like if you started watching WWF you're not going to watch TNA just because its wrestling, if you get sick of WWF then it pretty much means youre sick of wrestling.
But netflix is constantly making moves and the more people that sign up will just increase their residual income stream.
Yes many people use the same account but a large portion of those people will end up paying for the service themselves.
Also there's millions and millions of upcoming new accounts as more and more people buy new TVs and devices that have netflix built in and more younger generation move out and get their own bills.
True there potential market is growing. I am personal done with their content.
Uncanny wisdom from a millenial :-). I guess you're not all snowflakes!
I picked #27--did I win?
I do agree that it is heavily overpriced for the content you are getting! They are facing tough competition so they will have to up their game.
However, it has changed the way in which we all watch movies . We used to only be able to watch movies in the cinema, tv or on DVD but now it is as easy as clicking a few buttons. The movie streaming idea was an extremely innovative idea by Reed Hasting and Netflix's marketing team has a huge part to play in its success.
Netflix is facing tough competition from the likes of Amazon and other new movie steaming websites which have entered the market over the last few years. Netflix bounced back by cleverly coming up with creating their own shows and movies that are only available to those who have an account or uses a friends or partners account like me ha. They need to start listening to their customers or they will not be able to retain them.
This was a great post to read and I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs!
Netflix is mainly a media channel, but it is also artificial intelligence. By using Netflix and rating it, you also tell Netflix what you like and it will recommend other things you may like. Of course other companies also offer this, like amzn, so this may not be such an differentiating factor. It all depends on how good their ai algorithm is. Maybe that’s why Netflix is spending such huge amounts of money on special media like Dave Chappell. But that will only get them so far and they can only spend so much on new films. The competition is pretty fierce in this area—hbo, Disney, Fox, etc. more than you can shake a tree at.
I think the tech area wis the way to go. Artificial intelligence, curation, and new service selection. If Netflix can branch their ai from only film selection to food and beverage and advertisement, tie it into something like Walmart and jet.com, they can make a more scale able service.
Well you do have a point , but this is not always the case most times , prime examples are Facebook and Google, they were not the the first in their industry, but they are the biggest right now
Ya true, but google was the first main stream search engine only. They have the niche, and branded the name. Yahoo lost its way. Facebook only had myspace to compete with, and they went at a generation in college. Kinda like brainwashing the youth.
Great post a lot of vaild points but Netflix in the states does seem to have more content but again great post thank for the info.
nice post
amazing post my steemit friend wish you good luk thank you
That's meant to be will always find a way...............
Hehehe... Netflix, it's great app...
I also use it sometimes
Just heard about netfilx. I have to google it.
I think if you are in American the access to content is a lot more vast than if you were in a country like Canada. Sadly a few days of binge watching Netflix in Canada and suddenly nothing is on.
There actually use to be a hack to get Canada Netflix. The copyright laws are different there, and you have a lot more movies in Canada than the USA
Correct....you have said it all..Netflix is preety amazing...if anyone one is doubting. .tell em to make google their friend
That is the brand magic, GOT fans here ;)
Hahaha i see what you did there. Nice pun, its so punny.
oh yeah! GOT rulez!
Shame the new season is not out this year.... painful to wait +1 year :/
İnteresting post. My friend thank you

I still like Netflix. My wife and I have watched The Office so many times. heh
The ONE thing that would make Netflix sooooo much better is if they allowed you to remove shows. Seriously! Because of my user preferences (which Netflix is supposed to be built around) I will not watch some of the shows on there. I just won't. Either I don't like the content or the plot, whatever, but I won't watch it. If they allowed you to at least hide shows so that they'd only show up in search results, but not the browser lines, then you could much easier get to content you like. This would increase the value immediately.
Just my opinion.
I don't need a tissue, I need a Kleenex. I don't need a bandage, but a Band-Aid.
Brand strength is significant!
excelente felicidades
Good analysis on Netflix... no way I am in investor due to the out of whack fundamentals but somehow they keep beating expectations and growing. I agree to that there is nothing to watch on there!
Netflix will have to up their game a little to keep those users ...

Yeah but if you burn too much cash to retain and gain customers, and are heavily indebted... watch out when that debt gets harder/pricier to obtain!
Netflix has seen better times if you ask me. Living in a rural community almost everyone streams movies or finds other forms of entertainment. They may have been the first of their kind, but better video content has emerged. Thanks for the post🐓🐓
Netflix is a beast, but Disney leaving and starting their own streaming service is going to hurt a bit.
That is completely true. A huge brand means almost everything. I think Netflix could have an amazing year and for the same reason apple will. Because people buy the brand more then anything else. Also lets face it people love ad free viewing.
Very Good points. I'm fed up with the Netflix format changes. Why do I need to either upvote or downvote? It was fun entering a "hate it. "
My old brain wants/needs stability.
Thanks for this post. I agree, it's overpriced. That's why I backed out of buying this stock 4 weeks ago. Should've bought.. it went up handsomely since then.
I've been subscribing Netflix for almost 6 months. Been watching the classics that they offered in it ...Back to the future1/2/3 , Batman series (from Nolan) , Lord of the rings1/2/3, The wizard of oz, Willy Wonka :)
Damn, so many more classic to watch. Just me ,my wife and our couch. You can't find any better moment from here.