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RE: BTC - Break ATH - BCH Heading South for the Winter!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

To be honest I don´t use OKCoin, not for any negative reason, purely as I use Bitfinex, Kraken, Bittrex, & Poloniex and those work for me.

It looks like the good news for you is that OKCoin will support BCC for trading, so you could dump them as soon as you get them ;-) I´m not saying that´s what you should do, but it´s nice to have the option in case you do.

I´m looking forward to seeing what it trades at in the first few hours.


You and me both! Very exciting times.

Are you also following this ARDR/NXT/IGNIS situation coming up later this year? I am stockpiling that in advance since I have been slow on the Bitcoin fork.

Nice to meet you anyway Bistonic. Do you use this often? Would love to continue this crypto chat :)

It looks like the fun has already kicked off early with Bitcoin breaking out of resistance! :-)

I´m not following ARDR/NXT/IGNIS to be honest, I´m kept busy with Bitcoin and a few other Alts I invest in.

Yeah you too Kissthebottle, nice to meet you, i am on steemit regularly so feel free to throw in a question, i´m following you and i´m sure we´ll chat again soon.