Just $10m moving on the btc without any interference from anyone have to love it. (r/Bitcoin #616)

in #bitcoin4 years ago

1 20 2021 reddit 616.png

Video: https://lbry.tv/@BitcoinJake09:d/Reddit-r-Bitcoin-Top-10-Past-24-Hours--616-01-20-2021:f

10: here is exactly how the IRS is treating bitcoin for the 2020 tax year: IRS Virtual Currency Guidance | Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2014-20 | Internal Revenue Service

9: Famous Economist and Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio: "I missed something on Bitcoin"
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/l1jyh6/famous_economist_and_hedge_fund_manager_ray_dalio/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvbDFqeWg2L2ZhbW91c19lY29ub21pc3RfYW5kX2hlZGdlX2Z1bmRfbWFuYWdlcl9yYXlfZGFsaW8vfA== ~~~

8: This Time its different /s

7: Everything Satoshi wrote - Kicking the Hornet's Nest
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/l17tgn/everything_satoshi_wrote_kicking_the_hornets_nest/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvbDE3dGduL2V2ZXJ5dGhpbmdfc2F0b3NoaV93cm90ZV9raWNraW5nX3RoZV9ob3JuZXRzX25lc3QvfA== ~~~

6: Just a measly 10million moving on the btc network without any interference from anyone have to love it.

5: To all of those thinking they missed out on Bitcoin
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/l110kt/to_all_of_those_thinking_they_missed_out_on/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvbDExMGt0L3RvX2FsbF9vZl90aG9zZV90aGlua2luZ190aGV5X21pc3NlZF9vdXRfb24vfA== ~~~

4: I will forever have this bookmarked, fantastic illustrated guide - the one which finally got my family on board 🚂

3: Feeling like Bitcoin isn’t doing well? Go back 17 days and see what $30k meant to everyone. Bitcoin is doing great.
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/l13us5/feeling_like_bitcoin_isnt_doing_well_go_back_17/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvbDEzdXM1L2ZlZWxpbmdfbGlrZV9iaXRjb2luX2lzbnRfZG9pbmdfd2VsbF9nb19iYWNrXzE3L3w= ~~~

2: ARK's Cathie Woods on Bitcoin "...There is No Better Hedge Against Inflation." - Jan 8th 2021

1: Sorry Janet and Christine, Criminals Still Prefer the U.S. Dollar and Euro to Bitcoin
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/l19257/sorry_janet_and_christine_criminals_still_prefer/ reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvbDE5MjU3L3NvcnJ5X2phbmV0X2FuZF9jaHJpc3RpbmVfY3JpbWluYWxzX3N0aWxsX3ByZWZlci98 ~~~

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