This week in Bitcoin- 6-3-2017- UASF, Ethereum, ICO's, BIP 148, and more!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

What a show! We covered BIP 148 & the August 1 deadline and much more. Will Bitcoin hit $3000 before 8/1/2017? Ethereum is all over the place!

Josh Nussbaum- Crypto deMedici- Bitcoin and Markets by Ansel Lindner-

Email the Disrupt Meister intern if you need to talk to Adam or have ideas to share- [email protected]

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Thank you bitcoin meister

Thanks for watching!

So segwit it is then.
I dont really understand why not go unlimited...
I dont understand whats so bad in removing the 1 MB limit and take it from there....

The people behind unlimited have no idea what they are doing.

what? why is removing a temporary limit so bad?

Gotta love the bitmeister!!!

so im confused what are bitcoin holders to do with their coins before the uasf or what ever they do? just store on hardwallet or sell and then buy back after the smoke settles? and which would be the tier 1 bitcoin? once again another great video by you and your cast. thanks guys!! 2 thumbs up!! I need more thumbs 2s not enough ;)

Just store on hard wallet and don't worry. Selling before would be the most insane thing to do ever.

Definitely a good watch! Very informative