I'm not using any site to track the pool with. I hadn't really considered that. However; when a post hits $137 and then goes down to $135 and there hasn't been any downvotes on the post, that is indicative to me of the rewards pool being depleted. That and I see 20% upvotes valued at 0.00, then I watch someone like bernie go on a flag rampage against a certain TA, and the rewards go back up.
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Good thoughts, I never considered that.. This one shows the pool.. http://steem.supply/@berniesanders don't leave it open in a browser though as it secretly uses your CPU to mine some shit coin.. there was a post about it.. other than that it is somewhat neat.. I also use.. http://www.steemreports.com/account-votes/ and https://steemworld.org/@pawsdog
This shows the individual rewards and not necessarily the entire rewards pool and what's left for the day, or am I missing something?
I'm not sure where to go to see the remaining on the day.. that would be interesting..
It would be. I was looking for a site like that but haven't found it yet.
@aussieninja would probably know, he has turned me on to a lot of helpful steemit related sites..
I haven't seen anything like that... that would detail the total reward pool for the day and/or a breakdown of everyone's share... it'd be pretty amazing to look at, but it'd be a huge amount of data to process.
True.. I just figured you would know as you know all the good stuff... I figured someone would of thought of it.. the closest I can see is the steem supply one that shows a total.. ..