President Trump just made it illegal to withdraw fiat from coinbase Gdax Binance or poloniex. Anybody holding funds in one of these accounts should immediately...... This is why the cryptocurrency world is constantly experiencing such volatile swings in price anybody in the world can post a story on the internet and if its written well enough, millions of people will sell, buy, hold, withdraw, or simply trade their tokens/coins based primarily off of rumors and internet articles telling them some sort of "insider information". News flash! Cryptocurrencies are here to stay, yes many may fail just as many new cryptos will suceed but blockchain, distributed databases, peer-to-peer networks, and smart contracts/ trustless agreements are here to stay so stop rambling on about how bitcoin failed or its crashed or " I told you so!" Just buy some bitcoin put it in a wallet and learn some more about the technology, because i would rather be using the "shady" "scam" called bitcoin than be enslaved by that oh so perfect dollar bill that has been robbing the global economy for decades. Thanks mr. Oil company and mr. federal reserve for creating and endless supply of monopoly money made from debt.
This is supposed to be taken as satire/sarcasm because of how ridiculous people get every time cryptocurrency prices change. If i had a penny for every time i heard someone say bitcoin is done.... Well i wouldnt need to write articles on here now would I?
#aaa @blockchainbeta