"insert your favorite cryptocurrency" is crashing!!!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

First off I should mention that this should not be taken as investment advice and is only my opinion, so if you are getting ready to invest, you should only invest what you can afford to lose in any endeavor, to avoid hurting your own financial situation, at home.

So I see that the markets are falling hard, and this triggers a fight or flight response in people invested and aware of what this means to them... which is ofcourse is the exact opposite of what you have to do to "win" at this game.
Instead you need to know how to look for triggers that show things are changing, (this requires spending all your time almost watching constantly so if you are not doing this full time or working with a group that you trust to make good decisions so you can all take shifts, this probably is not for you) you can see a crash kinda coming, especially if what ever market you are watching and investing in has been horribly over valued.
The trick though is to not buy back in till it finishes crashing which also requires looking for triggers of a recovery and undervaluation, Max over at "high on coins" has nailed it I think in that you have to watch for it to make a second rise, there will usually be two mini rises then you know it is at its bottom and coming back up, and you buy back in then.
However occasionally you get these V dips where it bounces right back, and those you just have to be patient and avoid panic buying or panic selling :)

want some markets to look at go check out https://coinmarketcap.com/

I found that looking at older coins can tell you how a new coins is going to do if it actually gets footing to begin with (ie gets on a good exchange like bittrex and has some volume behind it)

take the april 15th rush you see in bitcoin year after year, why is it doing that? Are you seeing the humans behind the chart or just a bunch of bright red and green bars and lines? Anyone who knows America and its financial system knows this is tax refund season, so a bump there may be indicative of people having a large lump sum of money to work with and those that like crypto are taking it and putting a pile of it in the coin market. Now this is only at the beginning, after a few years of seeing this happen you see some get smart and pile money up during the year to buy in before the spike and sell during the tax pump so the time line changes and things get blurrier from these smarter investors muddying the waters, but in the beginning you see the same thing happening over and over with events in human history, that we see repeating yearly, or every 4 years like elections of major players like the American president.

My suggestion to those that cant spend the time working all this out? what ever you buy in at? just set a sell higher and only set a buy lower than you sold at, and just hodl till then on what ever exchange you are on.

for those that grasp the human event action and how it effects market you can get deeper and watch for news of changes like a government getting ready to inflate its currency (japan announced they were getting ready to do this recently) and is partly I think responsible for what is going on currently with the big spikes, now the question is why is it stalling, what is going on in peoples lives causing a lax in income allowing dumpers to drive the price down with their stop sales? If you can answer this then you might know when the next spike is coming and where the market may dip to, to get in on a good price.

again just some ideas and opinions on what I see going on, but what are your thoughts, the more discussion we have the more educated I think we can become on this particular subject that I think is going to be exceedingly more and more influential in our lives as the years go by. So let me see your thoughts below in the comments section :)

The Architect out