[dtube]Daily: Goldman Sachs Lies to us AGAIN???!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Goldman claims cryptocurrencies are a Bubble in its "current state" - unless a major bank comes in supports it. Are they lying to us?
0:55 Market Analysis - Best time for Crypto?
1:24 AMD Worries Crypto Miners’ GPU Demand Could Fall
3:22 Walmart Is Using Blockchain to Make Shipping 'Smarter'
4:23 Goldman Sachs Official: Cryptocurrencies in ‘Current Format’ Are in a Bubble.

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I think Goldman sacks is right to an extent ( not completely right of course) !!
I will explain:
When Goldman sacks ( mother of circle , announced buying poloniex exchange .. all know , and will know, that Circle exchange is more strict about KYC and approving accounts, so they may make a huge change especially about not authorized accounts at withdrawals .. or may freez them—-> so many big customers who wanna be hidden on poloniex will be affected .. and they will hurry to go out. Good! Those big customers own not only major coins but huge amounts of alt coins too (?!) Altcoins who have no special dedicated wallets so far! So first thing there will be a mass change from Altcoins to BTC ( preparing them to withdrawal on bulk ! ... this massive exchange to BTC will diffinately make a “temporary” untrue increase in the value of BTC .
I am NOT claiming a bubble as Goldman sacks claim.. but I am just justifying the temporarily BTC increase in price ( as BTC price correction or consolidation might not have ended yet.)
Just my opinion.
@boxmining @josteem

I am happy to be in this bubble..

How do you mean? @ezimedia

Thanks for the information!

Goldman and like minded are after money . Lie is just a business tool for them . However , i think the crypto community needs to put more effort in education . Thats the only way we can give the lie detector back to mass. Thanks to @boxmining , your effort is helping us a lot.

Do you think there is any way Goldman Sachs creates their own tether for Poloniex?

Lets prepare the handkerchiefs for Nvidia. 😂

Thank you boxmining, as usual great content.
What I think in general about bankers, not only goldman sachs is, that they will try to gain bigger influence in crypto. This is what they do in normal life with their loans, they know exactly what is your monthly expenditure and they try to gain influence on you. On the human being's day-by-day life,
people are not smart enough to outsmart them, because mainly they don't see the whole picture, therefore many people get trapped and they don't know why.
Related to cryptocurrencies they are not a bit late and now they are spuming their saliva on these. They try to get in low and they use the same tools to influence people's decision in the media which is controlled by themselves.
Furthermore, the world they created have more crime related to fiat money, where tax evasions and wars are their day-by-day routine.

yes i don't now why its going down and down, but may this will up one day again

wow too good

Personally I'm glad Goldman Sachs is saying that the past few times they have bashed crypto the price has gone up.

I don't think they are lying, I think they don't understand.

if that were so, they would never have put a foot in it, they would not have bought poloniex.

just be logical and you will not be fooled.

I like my plan better: completely ignore them.

Maybe they should stop funding Circle then???? Check out this link where "Circle’s founders said they had discussed the acquisition with all of their investors [which includes Baidu and Goldman!!!], as well as with regulators, and that the deal was closed on Friday."

As usual, big banks like to spread FUD so that they can buy on the cheap, all the while hiding behind the mythical "Chinese wall."

FUD'ing with ulterior motives. It's a business looking to make profit while the market is quiet. As in the late MJ's words: "All I want to say is they don't really care about us"

I'm not surprised by Goldman Sachs's dubious attitude in such times of uncertanity. Perhaps they accepting their fate of extinction..

Just more fear for the masses.

When is Godless Sacks NOT lying? Satoshi gave us the map that lets us re-route past ALL of these viper pits. So long suckas!

Btc has been looking good the last couple of days. Potential break out. BTC staying close to the trend line. Just needs to stay about it.