Daily: Bitcoin USABLE NOW???!!??

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin transactions dropped for $150 USD to $0.71.
0:42 Market Analysis
1:15 Bitcoin's transaction fee nightmare is over
2:15 Tesla's Cloud Hit By Crypto Mining Malware Attack
2:49 Venezuela's Petro Token

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Bitcoin : 13EvsPm3YhiCPGksQQdvQUFtsbF8FoU6Cz
Ethereum: 0x58d98516363D2A5f93CE6aB4A4a909599C3EEC3a

Website: http://boxmining.com


When the price jumps again the costs are going to skyrocket again. We need the lighting network ASAP!

It's usable now because no one's using it haha

With the lightning network i think the fee fuzz will be a past story only.

I always try to watch your video. I like your speech on market analysis. I am quite new in crypto market. In the mean time I have bought some coins. Sometimes I became shuffle to see the ups and downs. For this reason I watch your youtube video. Thanks for sharing the video.

Lower BTC fees will mean greater adoption so personally i am glad the fees are now single digit.

excellent news . A had trouble to get me friends to be interested in crypts, Everyone has heard about the bitcoin and want to first purchase to be bitcone. it was a hard sale spend 100$ and pay 20$ in fee

SeqWit adoption from major exchanges will continue to help the fees be reduced and thus make them more commercially viable for transactions. Hope fully the adoption of SegWit will go beyond the current sub-15% figure with these exchanges upgrading. It will be a key initiative to drive growth of the Lightning Network as well.

Great video thanks,
wish to have your talent for my Youtube Channel, but I don't think so :)

Cool nice :)