Daily: Goldman Sachs Lies to us AGAIN???!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Goldman claims cryptocurrencies are a Bubble in its "current state" - unless a major bank comes in supports it. Are they lying to us?
0:55 Market Analysis - Best time for Crypto?
1:24 AMD Worries Crypto Miners’ GPU Demand Could Fall
3:22 Walmart Is Using Blockchain to Make Shipping 'Smarter'
4:23 Goldman Sachs Official: Cryptocurrencies in ‘Current Format’ Are in a Bubble.

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why crypto market isn't showing volatility. It seems to be on hold for quite some time. Its like buyers and sellers are looking at each other... which one is about to make a move.

Those bears from Siberia, will be here for a while....
As some was sayin: "the winter was coming..."
Now I can say: "nothing to worry - the summer is coming!"

Banks will try anything, even create WW3 to maintain their power. Thanks to people like e you who share true information we can avoid it. Cheers Michael! Good update.

Lets prepare the handkerchiefs for Nvidia. 😂

Nice video Michael as always!

Basically this is not a surprise that big corporations trying to scaremonger towards Bitcoin and cryptos, so this "current format is a bubble" is a try to "educate" their customers, and those people who are still less informed about crypto space, that wild west in Bitcoin is somehow too dangerious. But as Micheal says: Goldman is trying to pull those people to their way, and say that "our crypto, which we will release soon, will be regulated, will be centralised, and it will be God blessed, and safe with a guarantee of their well established business, etc etc etc. So here is my opinion on all this move:

  1. In the future most companies which are using technology (internet, PC, AI, or other related technologies) will have to look and implement Blockchain, for many reasons: transparency, cut the unnecessary costs, make the processes faster etc... so Goldman Sachs is not exclusive, they are looking into Blockchain too (I bet they have whole department to to this).

  2. There always will be people, who will choose to use this so called Centralysed crypto, because this will be run by traditional businesses (banks, huge companies, corporations etc...). And on the other hand will be people who will be lucking for a quick buck, so they can get in early, accumulate big amounts of currency, and then when the projects (cryptos coins) will go public to the masses they will unload the coins, and make huge profits. That might be Goldman Sachs themself doing this sort of moves.

  3. Like they say: any news is good news for Bitcoin. This once more brings more exposure to the masses, about Bitcoin / Blockchain / Cryptos etc. So spreading the FUD in short term is not good for crypto space, but in the longer term this will make people do research, and be interested more in cryptos.

4)I also believe, that in the future when the regulations will be in place in most countries for security, utility tokens. Most of companies will not be issuing more shares or bonds, to attract some capital for particular projects, or expansion. But companies will be issuing tokens, and giving some sort of dividends, or promosing token appreciations, buy backs etc. So this will work three ways: company attracts capital faster, cheaper / investor can move fast too, invest in tokens, with hopefully higher ROI / after tokens raised capital, and project successfully made profits those tokens can be bought back (destroyed) without influencing the shareholder rights on voting powers, balance in terms of shareholdings.

Nice boxmining

In my opinion this is the phase of influence means it can possible that centralised groups can manipulate the interest from Cryptocurrency market. Let's hope for the best. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Of course they want us to stop buying so that they start buying. In so doing, they increase the price and profit from it. Anyway thanks for the great work posted here. Keep us posted with such good news.

This is just FUD by institutions who are afraid crypto will change their fundamentals. So they are making the every day investor scared to enter the market while they manipulate market to make insane profits.

Crypto will for sure change their fundamentals and if they do not find some way to adapt with the coming revolution they will die off over time, in my opinion.

Blockchain can potentially eradicate the need for major corporations, including government. Of course they’re worried. Boa and jp Morgan have already admitted so. Blockchain puts humans back in power, and corporations are struggling to catch up because their ignorant human leaders are too stupid to understand the true reality.

Goldman Sachs using FUD to buy time filling up their "sachs".

Goldman Sachs will see threats everywhere but will still take advantage of the market. The volatility seen in the last couple of weeks is too attractive to their traders to avoid it completely. Also, the current ICO process is so much better than the IPO process that they will work with regulators to make it to their benefit in the long run.

Some inside rumours about miners planning on moving to mine ETC when ETH moves to Proof of Stake. But regardless, I don't see gpu sales declining soon as there will almost always be crypto to mine, be it for speculative of current value, ie. immediate profit.

With regards to Goldman Sachs, I think they're just throwing their marketing weight around for their own personal gain. I don't believe they came out with that statement to be helpful to the community or share valid information with use small fishies. No, it was and always will be for their own personal gain. But notice how smaller and smaller an impact any FUD is having...

His explanation is a sham. Shameful. I don't believe it

Great video as always- I see the game that Goldman Sachs is playing trying to create FUD, telling us that crypto is in a bubble. They want the prices to dip so they can buy tons of it since they see the value o cryptos and they also bought poloniex. Same thing that JP Morgan Chase did last year when Jamie Dimon said bitcoin was a bubble. We know these games :)poloniex.jpg

Thank you once again Michael for keeping us informed. My opinion looks like that pissing guy on the back of everyone’s window but he’s pissing on Goldman Sachs.

I'm worried about for cyber money. i think Goldman Sachs and wall mark etc are so clever with all the other members of humanity that are not in the crypto now and going to make the market in to a new form of fiat and all in banks. the the man in the street
has no power against them in the long run the are just going to manipulate market to their will over time but its going to take them a few years a think a lot can happen.