What all do you guys think I should include in my "Welcome To Bitcoin" video blog? win SBD/STEEM by submitting what you think

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Well, Bitcoin is doing well so its back in the news. Meaning my dad once again sent my brother and I a "get out while you still can" warning text. He is still a little skiddish about the technology holding its value in the long term, though, who can blame the guy; he earned and then subsequently lost tons of invested bread in the ".com bubble" of the early odds*.

*(The early odds are what I like to call 2000-2006, I got this habit from the comedians/radio hosts of The Bonfire, big Jay Oakerson and Dan Soder)


I'm making a video for all the BTC newbies afoot. Sticking their curious parts in our volatile and often harsh world of the crypto-space.

What do you guys think I should include in the video? So far I know I want to include:

  • Hardware Wallets I just bought a ledger nano, so I may be releasing an unboxing video later tonight, followed up by a quick review. In the welcome vlog I'd like to just quickly introduce the concept for those worried about security. Seems a lot of FUD about the crypto-world has to due with fear around losing coin to hackers.
  • Where to buy Obviously those who have perused my youtube channel will know I have quite a few methods on buying bitcoin, whether its via coinbase or with paypal. Soon I will have a "all you need to know" video on using LocalBTC or a physical Bitcoin ATM for buying btc in cash/anonymously.
  • General Misconceptions This one I may need some help on. I get a lot of questions from family and friends, especially after my dad realized how much money I made this week and shared so with some of his relatives & curious friends. I have been in the scene so long however a lot of the misconceptions around bitcoin have shifted focus and I want to be able to quickly and concisely shoot down anything holding people back.

If you guys know of any general misconceptions or info you'd like for me to share in my "Welcome to Bitcoin" blog, I would love it if you could share it in the comments below. BRAINS1CK is a community and will soon have the venue for those of you who have caught the "$1ckness".

If I happen to take your info and use it, don't be surprised to get a small [nothing crazy] gift from me in the form of upvotes or SBD.

Thanks for the help my s1ck friends, and keep up the good work. We may be rising fast and hard due to a bubble, but that's what all the old media outlets have said the past couple of times we headed to the moon. If you feel frightened by the volatile price there is no shame in cashing out some of your profits, but remember: Bitcoin has never not recovered from a correction and as long as its got the tech behind it, BTC will continue to be the 'Gold Standard' (← get it!!) of cryptocurrency


sigsteemit.gif♥ mk.ultra aka @BRAINS1CK / @mthrshp

follow @brains1ck for more BTC & cryptospace blogs by mk


add in a section about ICONOMI for the people who just can't get their head around techy stuff. It's managed array of crypto funds done on your behalf. I think it will become very big business !

Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to look into iconomi

it's a really good platform for the novice coin collector :) ! you'll need a dummy account if you want to explore. a password and email is all that's required