New cryptographic systems produce distrust at the international level
What happened in 2017 and so far this year with the evolution of the Bitcoin requires investors to be cautious. Its price last year spent about USS 1,000 dollars per unit, in January, cost nearly USS 20,000 in mid-December. It then collapsed to reach currently worth about 12,000 USS, denoting a high degree of volatility. In 2017 was a 1900% increase, the highest since it is listed, and then a fall of nearly 50% compared to his record, the further decline in the history of your quote.The truth is that what most spoken in the international financial system and local is the bitcoin, the cryptocurrency which will be for some analysts this year financial STAR or a bubble close to click as with calls in March 2001 dotcom.At that time, most of these companies started to use Internet technology and launch their shares in the stock markets disappeared as a result of a speculative bubble that collapsed and where vanished a few $ 5 trillion by the loss of value of those companies or directly by your bankruptcy.According to experts consulted by Infobae, there are some similarities between the Bitcoin and dot-com to make an analysis of future investment.1 - The dot-com investor behavior is similar to the of those who invest in Bitcoin. This occurs because it is not possible to find neutral investors future. They are fans who bought Bitcoin and those skeptics who missed the opportunity to buy. Why there are very smart people, convinced that we are facing one technological revolution that is greater than the internet and, on the other hand, there are very smart people who think otherwise? Perhaps that is the big question.2. with the Bitcoin or the criptomonedas, it happens the same as at the beginning of the wrath of dot-com in the late 90s where they debated new schemes of valuation of companies variables that had never been used. In the case of the Bitcoin they are based on the theory of creation of such virtual currency known as blockchain.
3 - Major proponents of this kind of criptomonedas argue that it can discuss if Bitcoin is over- or undervalued, but they are running that blockchain is the true revolution, perhaps greater than the internet at the time. They argue that you will allow the emergence of thousands of new possibilities for business and public policy models, eliminating intermediaries. But even this land began to be put in doubt, with dozens of trials who wonder if blockchain will not also be a reminiscent of the dot-com bubble.4 - In recent months, as the value of the currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto, less than ten years ago was climbing, media coverage and analysis on this thematic area began to lean towards the negative aspect as it began to occur in the middle of the s 2000 with dot-com.5 has also sparked a heated argument, as at that time, about whether it's a creation of real value or is a mere speculative bubble. At the time questioned the arming and funding of dot-com, instead whole scheme of the theory of the blockchain is now questioned. Advocates point to that has a decentralized software architecture, so it is not hackable, is indelible and every creation of a cryptocurrency operation is validated by the entire system.6 - There are a lot of young entrepreneurs that have focused on raising funds to invest in the creation of criptomonedas, particularly in energy, which is very expensive. The appearance of dot-com, there was a lot of young entrepreneurs seeking funds on international markets to finance the creation of its internet businesses.
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In 2017 was a 1900% increase, the highest since it is listed, and then a fall of nearly 50% compared to his record, the further decline in the history of your quote.The truth is that what most spoken in the international financial system and local is the bitcoin, the cryptocurrency which will be for some analysts this year financial STAR or a bubble close to click as with calls in March 2001 dotcom.At that time, most of these companies started to use Internet technology and launch their shares in the stock markets disappeared as a result of a speculative bubble that collapsed and where vanished a few $ 5 trillion by the loss of value of those companies or directly by your bankruptcy.According to experts consulted by Infobae, there are some similarities between the Bitcoin and dot-com to make an analysis of future investment.1 - The dot-com investor behavior is similar to the of those who invest in Bitcoin. This occurs because it is not possible to find neutral investors future. They are fans who bought Bitcoin and those skeptics who missed the opportunity to buy. Why there are very smart people, convinced that we are facing one technological revolution that is greater than the internet and, on the other hand, there are very smart people who think otherwise? Perhaps that is the big question.2. with the Bitcoin or the criptomonedas, it happens the same as at the beginning of the wrath of dot-com in the late 90s where they debated new schemes of valuation of companies variables that had never been used. In the case of the Bitcoin they are based on the theory of creation of such virtual currency known as blockchain.Quote of the Bitcoin quote of the Bitcoin 3 - major proponents of this kind of criptomonedas argue that it can discuss if Bitcoin is over- or undervalued, but point to that blockchain is the true revolution, perhaps greater than the internet at the time. They argue that you will allow the emergence of thousands of new possibilities for business and public policy models, eliminating intermediaries. But even this land began to be put in doubt, with dozens of trials who wonder if blockchain will not also be a reminiscent of the dot-com bubble.4 - In recent months, as the value of the currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto, less than ten years ago was climbing, media coverage and analysis on this thematic area began to lean towards the negative aspect as it began to occur in the middle of the s 2000 with dot-com.5 has also sparked a heated argument, as at that time, about whether it's a creation of real value or is a mere speculative bubble. At the time questioned the arming and funding of dot-com, instead whole scheme of the theory of the blockchain is now questioned. Advocates point to that has a decentralized software architecture, so it is not hackable, is indelible and every creation of a cryptocurrency operation is validated by the entire system.6 - There are a lot of young entrepreneurs that have focused on raising funds to invest in the creation of criptomonedas, particularly in energy, which is very expensive. The appearance of dot-com, there was a lot of young entrepreneurs seeking funds on international markets to finance the creation of its internet businesses.Diego Fernández of Rofex the most experts in Bitcoin or criptomnedas argue that this kind of virtual coins appear as the third great technological disruption after the personal computer and the internet. The system was devised in 2008 and launched at the beginning of 2009 in order to not rely on third parties and allow transactions between pairs through the use of open source software, its use as a currency depends on the future of the acceptance of the Bitcoin as currency of Exchange and store of value by different Governments."The great debate on this type of technology, according to the different Governments and experts in the field, is if considered as a commodity, a currency or as a digital product", commented Infobae Rofex Diego Fernández executive director. "Can be understood as a pair technology to pair that allows transfers online, safe, direct and without theoretical any intermediary intervention", explains Fernández. And adds that the important thing is that there are a finite number of emission of Bitcoin which is 21 million and we are still quite far from that number. Fernandez Infobae confirmed that the company will launch a system of custody of Bitcoin that will function as a kind of safe to keep them there in the coming months.Experts say with respect to its future use in the banking system that the advantage offered by operate with Bitcoin is the speed with which transactions are validated. While a bank deposit can take 24 to 72 hours to paid instalments, System Bitcoin transaction is reported to the world immediately and take up to 60 minutes to validate and commissions that are paid through this system are much lower in comparison to the commissions which must be paid on electronic payment or international transfers as Paypal and Western Union systems.
The problem is that these new cryptographic systems produce distrust in the international arena. For the moment, the banks have closed personal accounts of people related to the Bitcoin world. For example, the Bank of the West of the United States and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia closed the personal accounts of customers who had projects related to Bitcoin. In Canada, there is no bank that accepts accounts related to the system. At the same time in the last few days have emerged several warnings from different countries such as China and Korea of the South against Bitcoin transactions.The people's Bank of China (PBC) has urged local authorities to impose restrictions on the Bitcoin miners by the high energy consumption of its activity. The document, leaked via Twitter and picked up by the Reuters Agency, requested the Government of the Asian country to plan an orderly exit for Bitcoin mining operations in the coming months. Korea South (which is the third country in the world, after Japan and United States, in which most exchanges are generated in bitcoins) also wants to curb this trend and the authorities are preparing a draft law to ban the trade of the criptomonedas through exchanges.But the voice that global financial markets more heard with regard to the future of the Bitcoin was American Tycoon and guru of Wall Street Warren Buffett. On 10 January he joined the critical reports of some banks and anticipated that "at some point the criptomonedas will have a bad end". Buffett, considered as the second of the world's richest man after Bill Gates, said in an interview in his portfolio had no position in Bitcoin. The founder of Berkshire Hathaway said, however, that if there is a market of futures for a term of five years, could think the possibility of participating in it, but "not a penny" in the short term. Buffett statements relate to the company CME, the largest derivatives market in the world, with headquarters in Chicago, since December 18 last opera with future of bitcoin to within one, two, three and six months.
Buena publicacion hermano te sigo
Epa hermano! Pasando apoyándote!
gracias hermano cuenta conmigo
Buen post! Mi apoyo
gracias hermano cuenta conmigo
Hard to say really, there is rampant speculation with little to do with fundamentals. So much FOMO. However there seem to be tons of little bubbles ever few months. Check this out if it interests you regarding bitcoin and steem prices: Just started following you, would appreciate a follow back if my price analysis content interests you as well :)
Tienes mi apoyo compañero, tira palante
Buen post, tienes todo mi apoyo. ¡Te sigo!
It is the currency of the future. interesting, I support you
Buen post tienes mi voto!!
Buen post compañero sigue asi
very good :)
Incurres en demasiado plagio... vas a terminar siendo reportado, pues esta plataforma busca apoyar el contenido original. Casi todos los post que he visto en este steemit son plagio... @cheetah