18%+ Return On Bitcoins (Self Custody) 🤯

in #bitcoin2 months ago

This is one of the best returns I have seen to get a return staking Bitcoins. This is part of the Core Network and there are Proof of Work components to it and also Proof of Stake components.

The Element wallet is self custody so you retain your keys which is important.

Are you guys on the Core Network?


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This can only be a scam. There is no way to guarantee a 18% on a non-productive asset like BTC

I think it is real because the way I came across it was the Coinbase Learn program and had to complete certain tasks and basically miners can get CORE by changing a few settings on their miners so I think the yield is coming from CORE inflation and DeFi yield.

Oh, so this is not really Bitcoin - you stake Bitcoin but you get the yield in a different token, right ?

I'm not fully sure but I think you get paid in CORE and then you can covert it to more BTC

And then the value of CORE tokens plummets and you get rug pulled. Come on
"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is"
Let's get back to Earth, to get 18% you need to take a lot of risk, start a business and succeed. Nobody is going to take a lot of risk and reward the passive investors with such a large chunk of the rewards for merely putting capital and taking no risk on themselves.

I don't look at it like that. Right now the price of CORE spiked so the yield looks fat. That changes quick if things go the other way. Today it was up at 19%. By all regards it looks like a person would still have custody of the BTC.

I made over 10,000% on Dogecoin and some might say that sounds too good to be true but it's easily to look at the charts and evidence and see that.

When these markets pump the yield that can be gained will seem extraordinary. Only in the bear market does it typically rebalance itself.