Hello, my precious followers, I will introduce you to my valuable readers the project called PlatON. In the continuation of the article, you can get information about the ico process of the project.
There is no doubt that block chain technology is one of the leading technologies to change the world. While many entrepreneurs who realized the future of block chain technology were at the beginning of the road, they started many new projects in order to benefit from the opportunities without missing the train, while companies with projects started to shift their infrastructure to block chain.
Of course, the most important factor in the recognition of block chain technology is Bitcoin and other crypto coins. Bitcoin crypto money, which is the product of block chain technology, has attracted a lot of money to people in a short period of time. That's how people who started to learn Bitcoin were introduced to the block chain and gradually became aware that this was the main development.
The scalability issue of blockchain is intrinsic to the consensus algorithm that it relies on to validate transaction or computation in a trustless way. The more nodes participate in replicating a single computation, the more confidence is bestowed on the correctness of the results. However, the time to consensus and resources committed on the work increase drastically with the number of nodes prohibiting blockchain being adopted in a large scale. The flipside is consensus is not the essence of blockchain’s appeal but the trustless feature which can be attained cryptographically.
Verifiable computation (VC) is originally a scheme enabling a client or verifier to verify the correctness of the results computed by an untrusted cloud provider. Compared to consensus algorithm, VC, in theory, guarantees correctness without replicated computation, tremendously reduces the time and cost otherwise consumed in running thousands of nodes and synchronizing them for block production. In most circumstances, VC can potentially be the more efficient infrastructure for smart contract execution and diminish the role of blockchain to a tamper-free database for the storage and public access of proofs.
The proprietary technology developed by the team in the past few years further reduces the overhead time and resources for the prover by several magnitude turning it into a more practical solution for general trustless computing. Moreover, as privacy is concerned in many trustless computing cases, secure multi-party computation (MPC) and homomorphic encryption (HE) are employed to prevent exposure throughout the entire lifetime of the data. The goal of PlatON is to construct a full stack infrastructure for decentralized apps, while individual module such as VC will be available to connect other blockchains to PlatON for scalable and privacy-preserving computing.
The PlatON network uses not just AI, but Decentralized AI which is a subfield of AI. Since there are so many risks with a centralized approach of AI such as Privacy Problem and Transparency Problem, PlatON considers the decentralized approach of AI with blockchain technology. PlatON does predictions by training data. They actually want to train data using a model without having to disclose their data. To achieve this, they consider blockchain technology. This addresses the Privacy Problem. The behaviour and result of an AI model should transparently be available to all parties without the need for a centralized authority. To achieve this, PlatON considers blockchain technology. This addresses the Transparency Problem.
*Thе аіm оf the PlatON is tо improve ѕсаlаbіlіtу, vеrіfіаbіlіtу аnd tо ensure uѕеr рrіvасу іn trustless computing
*The PlаtON рlаtfоrm іѕ dеѕіgnеd to gіvе users thе bеѕt рrіvасу аnd to improve thе scalability durіng trаnѕасtіоnѕ.
*PlatON providing blockchain developers the infrastructure to access the data from physical world, execute the data privacy computation, and to connect IoT with the physical world.
*PlatON enables the establishment of a joint data model among AI business alliances through peer-to-peer network and privacy computation.
*PlatON provides a complete trustless computing infrastructure that can be used for Dapp or scale other blockchains.
*PlatON now takes the lead in security, scalability and stability as a cryptographic-based computing network. Besides the key management for the mining pool, PlatON’s MPC technology can also empower other industries
PlatON Network Social Media
Web: https://www.platon.network/#/
Telegram: https://t.me/PlatONHK
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlatON_Network
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlatONNetwork/
Medium: https://medium.com/@PlatON_Network
Reedit: https://www.reddit.com/user/PlatON_Network
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/platonnetwork/
Whitepaper: https://www.platon.network/static/pdf/en/PlatON_A_High-Efficiency_Trustless_Computing_Network_Whitepaper_EN.pdf
Bluepaper: https://www.platon.network/static/pdf/en/PlatON_Blue_Paper_on_Economics_EN.pdf
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