The fight of crypto's life is in the offing...

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Almost everyone who will read this is a fan of cryptocurrency and the possibilities it provides the masses to maybe, just maybe get a couple steps closer to financial freedom and away from living paycheck to paycheck, or just getting away from the horror that is the centralized monetary system we are all forced to live by. We all might get our wish...eventually, but it will not be without its battles or bumps. This right here is the biggest issue that we as a community will face....government/bank pushback.
Why would they not? I mean come on....the system works perfectly from their perspective. They all continue to profit more and more every year as the masses become more and more entrenched in the banks of course. They have fought hard and very, very dirty to have the system this way. The centralized banking system has been instituted more than once....Andrew Jackson RAN HIS CAMPAIGN ON REVOKING THE CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM.

Andrew Jackson "The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government ... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it."

Sadly, it didn't last. On December 13, 1913, Woodrow Wilson....a man put into the office of presidency by the bankers, signed the Federal Reserve Bill. This was the fist step of many that have lead us to the pathetic system we all are forced to live by today. Why should we care? Because they...the banks/corporations who control the puppets by controlling the election system through campaign contributions, will do EVERYTHING in their power to end cryptocurrency. It is a threat to the way they do business. The WORST thing for them is financial freedom for more of us "normal" people. This is the way it will happen. They are the BEST at disguising their intent with what seems like admirable intent. For any context to this argument..see every single conflict/war in history. They are all about money in the end, whether it is in the form of oil, opium, tea or always comes back to the money.

So here is another shot across the crypto battleship's bow....we can't allow the terrorist's and criminals use it for money laundering. Laughable...for them to state this when anyone in the know is well aware the BANKING system is by miles and miles the king of money laundering. A recent example here

They use this tired old line time and time protect us all, that's why we are restricting how you can profit from your own hard earned money. We as a community cannot let this happen!! What about the fact that the 1% uses literal swis banks accounts and every other means to their advantage to hide their wealth from the tax system. Is that under attack? Of course not. We have to fight...fight hard to keep our rights and ability to prosper our own lives at the expense of the current system. This system has to die, it needs massive reform, from top to bottom. The problem is everyone who is in power is in on it, it makes zero difference who sits in the oval office or either house. This goes for other powerful countries as well, not just the United States. They will all try to band against this new, decentralized way of life as it fly's in the face of their profit We cannot allow them to gain ground and use the bank/corporation controlled media to spew the same propaganda about terrorism and drug lords using this to move their massive amounts of money around. Will it be used for devious means? Absolutely it will. Are ATM's and bank transfer's? Exactly. People with nefarious means will find any way to get what they want done....always have and always will. Educate yourselves. Do some research on PROVEN means the bankers and corporation's through the puppeteering of our governments officials will go to get what they want. Nothing has ever been off limits to accomplish their selfish and purely evil goals of control and manipulation.