am an early investor. bought in at very low price and now i can sell at over 600% while not yet in over 1k tokens at less than $50 few days ago and now cant buy same quantity at more than 1k$! folks aint even selling- when it hits exchange who knows ;) its a community driven project and big holders like me are taking it very serious. you see more at the telegram chat
am an early investor. bought in at very low price and now i can sell at over 600% while not yet in over 1k tokens at less than $50 few days ago and now cant buy same quantity at more than 1k$! folks aint even selling- when it hits exchange who knows ;) its a community driven project and big holders like me are taking it very serious. you see more at the telegram chat
Thanks, will have a look...
great. just check the smart contract at
best regards