Bitcoin doesn't terrify big banks.
If it did, they would shut down the internet. No, really.
The big banks, and TPTshouldn'tB believe they have a grasp on the situation. That they are just going to use this to implement their digital-SDR. Not even realizing that they have missed the boat.
Things are moving so fast in this arena, that they are already designing their system on old technology. By the time they are ready to implement it, they will be so far behind that it will crumble to dust in their fingers. By the time they are ready to implement it, bicoin will probably have un-split and become 10x better.
(Yes, un-splitting will be a thing, and the simplicity of the algorithms will blow people's minds)
If the Big Banks actually knew what was coming, they would quietly shut their doors.
"If the Big Banks actually knew what was coming, they would quietly shut their doors." Then the game wouldn't be interesting. :) Now we get to watch them eat some old fashion "humble pie".
I really don't find train wrecks interesting. But, I am trying to adapt. Because laughing at the calamity is better than crying at the calamity.
Also, the big banks are just the first domino. The entire financial industry is about to be turned into a wasteland. Insurance too.