Cryptocurrencies don't have a chance in hell of going up. For, cryptocurrenices to go up, the actual manufactured goods need to rise. Since we are already in overproduction mode, I doubt this will happen.
I only say this, because the truth is backwards. Almost all those squares above are debt based on debt. Their intrinsic value is zero.
So, the size that crypto-currencies will grow to is equal to the actual flow of goods and services.
But, you were probably asking about the value of dollars in bitcoin.
The dollar has a long way to fall. It should be equal to 1/500,000th of a bitcoin in less then two years.
The derivatives market doesn't exist.
Lets take off track betting as an example.
If you bet Galloping Ghost to win in the third, and the odds are 8:1, then you can pretty much look at the results of the race, and tell if you have won. (or lost)
But derivatives are now such that, if Galloping Ghost wins in the third, then the bet will be carried into the next race, but if it doesn't, then Sweet Biscuit will be run in the forth, and the odds will be retroactively changed to 1:8 and the better will have bet on Old Lady, which may or may not be running...
Or, in other words, if there was ever a derivatives blow up, the only thing that will happen is that teams of lawyers will be paid for decades to decide who gets what's left of the scraps.
The value of gold will go to zero. Imagine that Zoros was found out. Just how evil he is being is published to the world. So, Zoros starts paying his security army in gold, because they don't accept US$s. And so, the world just stops accepting gold, because no one will have anything to with anything that is Zoros. (it isn't going to be exactly like that, but yeah)
And cyrpto currencies will become the only game in town. Because, imagine how much easier it is to send bitcoins across the world instead of using a bank (or western onion) Now imagine bitcoin gets four times better then it is now.