cryptonaryDying real life use-cases, but enough historical value to sustain growth in price due to its heavy manipulated nature, that includes traceability by the likes of elitist governments. The world is more than aware now that Bitcoin will never become a staple for replacing any current form of tech or real usability. If you want a crypto for payments or privacy, steer clear of Bitcoin. BTC should be your best friend, because it can however make you very good money, ironically not by directly investing in it.... But by investing in something massively cheaper which then gains monetary value indirectly through BTC being manipulated higher or dumped to then allocate the capital to a specific alt-coin. Leave BTC to the big boys with large enough capital to benefit financially despite the extremely large price per coin, all you need to do is piggyback off the moves they create 🧠🛫
Hi, great post, have followed you. What do you think of the current state of the Bitcoin market?
I think its the fud that it is keeping the price and hope some who dont deserve get out of the game