I'm not sure I'd agree that he doesn't have skin in the game. He may not have invested much money in Bitcoin (maybe he didn't have much at the time?) but he has certainly invested a hell of a lot of time to learn about Bitcoin himself and then share that knowledge with many other people. To say that somebody doesn't have skin in the game when their entire reputation and last few years of work is linked to the fate of bitcoin is a little unfair. Is the only way to have "skin in the game" through financial investment or could it not be argued that Andreas does, in fact, have skin in the game in the ways I previously mentioned?
Lastly I'm sure that he does have a valuable stake in BTC. Just because he's not a "bitcoin millionaire" doesnt mean he's not sitting on at least a couple of hundred thousand dollars worth.
For a man who claims to understand economics, I am sure he could leave $300 on the side for th ideology that mostly defines him