These cryptocurrencies like digibyte ripple doge siacoin nxt list are going down day by day as Bitcoin value is increased to all time high and still increasing at good pace.
It's good time to invest in low valued cryptocurrencies as you will get very good profits in future.
Will wait for a crash before buying again.
Good post. I was about to post a similair post. It's surprising how much uneducated investors the crypto space has. You still see people invest in this shady and scammy coins. I was researching a way to do better investment analysis on the current cryptos. An interesting website I found: An amazing crypto research site. They researched every single crypto out there. This is truly great.
Good points in this article. Good to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. It's surprising how much uneducated investors the crypto space has. You still see people invest in this shady and scammy coins. We do need more indept investment analysis. I really advice people to take a look at: Since I use this site I make so much less basic investment mistakes. On: For a complete Nxt Report.
Very good post. Interesting to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. The future is in blockchain. Crypto prices might be inflated now but the market will find it's way just like it did with the Internet boom. I was researching a way to do better investment analysis on the current cryptos. Do you know this interesting site? The site is my go to place for crypto investment analaysis and indepth coin research.