Hacker Pleads Guilty of Stealing $365,000 Worth of Bitcoin From Darknet Criminals

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Hacker Michael Richo, who was arrested on October 5, 2016, has admitted that he stole a total of $365,000 worth of Bitcoin from darknet marketplaces, News 8 reports.

For this crime, Richo could serve up to 30 years of jail time.

Modus operandi
Richo has established several phishing sites in order to gain access to user credentials.

A phishing site is used to trick users in order to obtain their sensitive information such as login accounts, and passwords. Cybercriminals, particularly those operating in the darknet, are expected to be already aware of such sites, but they were tricked by Richo just the same. He was able to trick users to his phishing sites by posting fake links on forums and other online marketplaces.

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Intense! And he got caught!!!

Been a fan for ages!
I resteemed this one too! @carlperna love your blogs!

Glad he got caught.

As fast as this site is, it's far too easy for anyone to fall prey to scams like that. Pretty unnerving to say the least.