Blockchain is very real folks.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I have firm confirmation that one of our super software companies is working on Blockchain. There will be a platform for digital currency and looks like that is exactly what we will be converting to when the crash happens. I really don't know any more details other than that.

It is going to be tied to Bitcoin........... and Ethereum.......... so keep that in mind if you are an investor.

The IMF tasked China with beta testing blockchain with TEA. It worked, the kinks have been ironed out and China is taking it further. So don't think the Government will not be involved in Bitcoin or Ethereum........... you would be incorrect there.

They would NEVER release the chains............

But......... you could make a lot of coinage here if you invest properly.

Good luck!



Invest in NEO if you're really serious :) NEO could go 10x higher than it is right now considering its potential.