Changelly proudly announces the new cryptocurrency coming to our support list - Ardor. All users are able to instantly buy and sell almost unlimited amounts of Ardor for any cryptocurrency supported by Changelly. In this article, you'll learn more about Ardor, its advantages and how to exchange it at the most profitable rate.
About Ardor
Ardor is a next-gen blockchain platform based on the successful experience of Nxt. The Ardor blockchain has unlimited scalability and supports safe smart contracts. One of key features of Ardor is a so-called Child-Chain. This is the element of the blockchain allowing to build decentralized applications without down-time, censorship or any unwanted interference. Child Chains provide a low-cost and stable ecosystem and connect to other chains thus making the main Ardor blockchain. The system can be used for any purposes as well as personal and public ones.
How to exchange Ardor to BTC
Now let's see how you can exchange Ardor to BTC on Changelly. The principle is the same as with other cryptos.
- First, you need to go to the homepage and select the amount of ARDR (or other crypto) you wanna exchange to BTC. You’ll see the estimated rate on the right. Notice that it may differ from the final rate.
- Carefully check the amount and other details.
- In the field ‘BTC address’ paste the address of the BTC wallet you want to get your coins.
- Check the details: the amount, the estimated rate and go next.
- Now you need to send your ARDR to the given address. In one transaction. Note, if you send less than the amount intended, you’ll get less amount of BTC and vice versa.
- Go to Poloniex and type the amount of ARDR to withdraw. Specify the address given.
- Wait until your payment is finished. In the history tab on Changelly, you may see the status of your transaction.
- Done! You get a receipt with the final amount and other information including a transaction number and its hash. This is a proof that the transaction is finished.
- Now open your BTC wallet and make sure, you’ve received your Bitcoins.
That's it. You don't need additional messages to get your transaction finished.
You are welcome to try Changelly!
If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below or contact our support team: [email protected]
Well that was a Shit Show! I tried it and it did not populate the BTC field with any amount I tried. It did it with other coins for BTC or different combonations but not with ARDR & BTC! I wonder where you got the screen shot from?
Dear @dogstartaylor, we are sorry that you got confused with Changelly. But the interface is pretty clear for most of the users. If your want to convert ARDR to BTC, just select this trading pair on the first screen and press exchange button. Confirm the amount and rates on the second screen. Next type your BTC wallet address to receive coins after exchange. Confirm the final agreement. On the next screen will be given ARDR address to make a deposit on it. In a few minutes after receiving ARDR from you, they will be exchanged to BTC and send to your wallet. I hope that will help you!