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RE: Australia, Japan, Delaware (USA) All in Favor of Bitcoin with Law/Taxes

in #bitcoin8 years ago

In the states we also have this regulation vote coming up on July 14th. If the article is correct, this will likely be a big deal for those of us in the US.

Accordingly, the ULC's draft Uniform Regulation of Virtual Currency Act, may, in the near future, be the legal framework by which virtual currency businesses will be regulated for years to come.
In just a few weeks, the ULC will be voting on a uniform law that could set the framework for the regulation of virtual currencies in the US for years to come. Regulation is coming to, if not to your state, a state near you.

Uniform Regulation for Virtual Currency Businesses: Coming to a State Near You


How could they regulate it or I should ask is it even possible to regulate. It really looks like more trouble than it would be worth for a state would go to that extent to regulate a merchant or their currency in any way. Some states are in debt real bad so they might try but how could they do it successfully. I sure hope thy can't.