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RE: How To Buy/Earn Bitcoin Without Spending Your Money

in #bitcoin5 years ago

Well if you don’t have money to invest I think that speaks to a bigger problem and not the fault of BTC! Faucets are okay but if you value your time you’d find something better to trade it for like starting a website and selling ads of affiliate links and just getting a commission


Absolutely. I just point on your subject "how to earn without spending". But as you say - it is extremly low money. Time for me to go back to SM and earn the big money. I go for some gold legends in daily quest. Wish me luck....

Good luck and keep playing the bigger the game gets the more the rental market will become popular and we can make great passive income from the game

I rent out cards for 1,5 USD / 30 days just now. Not much money but really good ROI

And thanks for the betting ! Will post about it soon

I say bring on the free money I’ll be milking all 3 chains until I Can get 1 BTC

Sounds good