I've always been a firm believer in work SMARTER not harder. This allows for efficiency and improved time management. Outside my 401k, and a relatively small savings account, I've never felt comfortable or savvy enough to play around on the actual stock market.
Over the past year or so my curiousity has been peaked when it comes to crypto-currencies. I currently use the bitshare app and glidera. They are both user friendly in my opinion. I am definitely a beginner in this arena and will continue to cautiously proceed. But, I think crypto is a smart option to invest in at this time.
I am currently 29 and work in physical therapy. Great job, very fulfilling, and I love it BUT it certainly takes it physical, mental, and emotional toll....which can lead to burnout.
Burnout can, of course, occur in any occupation but it is my opinion that healthcare workers involved in direct patient care such as myself are particularly susceptible. And there in lies my objective of this post - LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU. Use cryptocurrencies to your advantage. Be patient.
But don't rely on just crypto! Get multiple streams of income (outside your primary job). These sources of income should be relatively STRESS FREE AND also something you enjoy or have an avid interest. That's where your money works for you.
For example, I enjoy selling dysfunctional and/or old electronics for parts, vintage toys, and designer handbags and a few other things on ebay. I typically haven't invested much into the items but can make a decent turn around profit without much effort. U can obtain sellable items at various second hand stores and turn for a profit.
Within the next 15 years I plan to work only part time as a PT. In the meantime I will to continue cultivating fun and interesting alternative sources of income.
Your streams dont have to be large streams of cash just try to have several sustainable options and you are set.
Crypto I believe will be larger than a "stream" though. It might just be my river!
Excellent post!
Thanks! Following you :)