I think you know @cryptovestor and thats what I replied today to his video:
"I've a huge problem with the current market situation: Coins less than one Dollar. Why? Because people buy them like crazy. Take a look at CoinMarketCap. You have anyway a tab open ;) and scroll down the list. The most gainers are all Coins which are or were a week ago <1$. Here are some examples: Ripple, Cardano, NEM, Tron, Stellar, Verge ...
Why this is a problem in my opinion? There a lot of new people in the space that don't understand that price is as unimportant as the name of a coin.
Here's an example with IOTA. The price you see on CMC is in MIOTA (Mega IOTA, which are 1.000.000 IOTA). Imagine CMC would show you the price for one KIOTA (1.000 IOTA) which would be around 0.004$ or for one GIOTA ( IOTA) which would be ~4000$. That are huge price jumps but it doesn't matter! The value for IOTA itself stays the same. The only thing that matters is the market cap, which is a combination of price and supply.
The newbies wanna catch the new BTC and imagine/hope their coin can go up to the same price as BTC. I have this opinion because I read more often stuff like: "Ripple to 100$???" or "ADA to the mooooon 1000$!!!!" which makes me wanna cry. (These are just two randomly picked examples, I don't dislike these coins). That means that they would be at a many TRILLION USD market cap. Probably in ten years if everything goes perfect. But I see 95% of them crashing again as people realise they are overvalued. At least I hoped so. BUT I also didn't see XRP ever reach 1$ and here we are at nearly 4$. So I might be wrong, no one can see into the future. I just want to point out that the price is irrelevant and that it scares me so many people don't get it."
My real concerns are, that the market is like that "Hey any big influencer (John mcafee or currently it's enough if even any youtuber like you say anything about a coin) 'promotes' a coin - I'm buying in". Even if you, especially you really wants to educate us instead of promoting an coin, a bunch of people just buy in without knowing about the tech or anything else. I really don't don't want to blame you or any other person with a lot of followers. I want to blame the people which invest without any interest about the coin inself. These people only have $ in their eyes. And that are way to many. Way to many. That's why I cashed out some profit... two weeks ago everyone was like "Hey Bitcoin it's a bubble". Now where bitcoin stays about the same level nobody talks about it again... but altcoins going more crazy than btc ever did and noone complains. "When everyone is greedy..." I think everyone knows warren buffet. Just be fearful at the current market!