Crypto Purity ~ Hidden Code Confirmation

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Our Dedication ~ Pure & Just Monetary System

Preparing this World for the Halal Currency (pure money market system, free from corruption), the Blockchain known as Godcoin will meet and exceed these standards far above anyone's expectation, soon to be known as the New Kingdom currency.


Code researcher discovers source of insight!

This is a VERY IMPORTANT and very timely Bible Code discovery, and it covers a number of things that are in the process of unfolding as we speak, but for a moment I would like to focus on what it's revealing about the New World monetary system that I have been discussing here recently.

GODcoin will be the base currency for all financial transactions around the world, just as the U.S. Dollar is today, which means that other currencies will either pin their value to GODcoin, or become obsolete.

For GODcoin to achieve that position, it has to quickly gain financial dominance in the world, and it can only do that by absorbing the "fiat faith" held by other dominant currencies, but because the U.S. Dollar is about to collapse, only the "Petrodollar" can offer the early fiat capitalization GODcoin will require, before establishing the new "gold standard".

Saudi Crown 1.jpg

"Saudi Crown / Most to Monetary Coin"

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is about to become King of Saudi Arabia, and he has a desire to move the Muslim world into the future both socially and technologically, and behind the scenes, he is pushing for a cryptocurrency that will meet the specific needs of Islamic users... That cryptocurrency will be GODcoin, and as you can see from the Bible Code table above, most of the initial investment in GODcoin will come from the Saudi Crown.

"Father Who God will Lend"

Why would they do it?... There is an Islamic principle that "money belongs to God", and that Muslims are simply holding it as a loan or trust to use by God's will, but because Muslims recognize this truth, and recognize the rights of inheritance from father to son, the Son of God has the right to all money Muslims hold in "God's Trust"... The code above points to this.
"Shalman" represents the Saudi Crown, because the biblical Shalman was King of the Assyrian Empire, a region now occupied by Saudi Arabia.

"The Shah Borrowed from God"

The great wealth of the Muslim world today, is a direct result of the early Persian Empires, and their work in turning the Middle East into what you see now, but they would not have succeeded if their kings (Shahs) we're not blessed by God, so from the very beginning of the Middle East's development, the Shahs were loaned wealth and power from God... And now it is time to pay back their loan.

Petrodollar instability alleviated by Cryptocurrency.

Whether foul play is afoot in any form by governments, people often find their safe haven of wealth in any way possible. In the past this was gold, however with what we see in Bitcoin rising as a popular alternative, the facts about it's decentralization and tendency to be a wise investment without boundaries will prove to be a standard now and in the days ahead.

Even if the rich Sheikhs of Saudi Arabia or any middle eastern country for that matter consider placing but a fraction of their riches into a Blockchain, the price of that Blockchain would skyrocket.

Though the Bitcoin angle of view on this may seem convoluted to some, we must remind ourselves that a global economy collapse is an inevitable stepping block to bring in a New World currency. Petrodollar, the liquid currency of OPEC, will be completely destabilized, and the way it is being done is by destabilizing Saudi Arabia.

Concerned about investments and infrastructure?

Jim Rogers, who founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros said, "A $68 trillion ‘Biblical’ collapse is poised to wipe out millions of Americans.” You should be concerned, because these two are just a couple of the most powerful men which are responsible for how the world turns on it's feet or on it's head, in regards to finance and thereby social order or lack there of...

You may consider a positive side to this though the future may seem bleak, there is something we can do about how that future goes for each of us. James Dale Davidson, the famed economist who correctly predicted the economic collapses of 1999 and 2007, said “There is no need to fall victim to the future. If you are on the right side of what’s ahead, you could seize opportunities that come along once, maybe twice, in a lifetime.”

Here's the Solution: Godcoin

Godcoin New Kingdom Hagai 1.png

Words From Biblical Prophesy!

Within the Tanakh (Old Testament). Yes that's right, if your top money market influences can tell you this collapse will be Biblical, let us tell you step in and show you how and why:

“It won’t be long before one more time I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all the nations, so that the treasures of all the nations will flow in; and I will fill this house with glory, The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, The glory of this new house will surpass that of the old, and in this place I will grant peace.” says the Lord of Hosts - Prophesied from Haggai 2:6-9

What is the Biblical Light at the end of this Dark Economic Tunnel?

This is New Kingdom currency, Godcoin, we are accepting ground-floor contributions now. As a founder of Sanctuary Interfaith and Apostolic Nuncio of the Ecumenical Order of Christ I am authorized to gather contributions in the cause of establishing our financial backing for this New Kingdom Currency.


What is Godcoin?

With the links you see below is proof of who we represent, the truthfulness of our assured success, and the nature of what was passed down to us from on high, the authority and the ability to execute righteous judgment over all matter on the whole Earth. Be grateful and praise his holy name, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Word of God himself, Lord RayEl, God's promised and prophesied, anointed King over the whole Earth.

Lord RayEl Banner.jpg



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Well written, very informative, and really highlights the monumental impacts that GODcoin will have on the world. It seems to blend the best of both worlds; financial stability without the risk of volatility. Looking forward to seeing the world progress towards this.

You have seen the light and tied it all together! Fantastic work brother !

Knowing what I know about the track record of this Code research, I'd be investing as much as I can on GodCoin. But where does one go to make such an investment?

Through our Paypal we are accepting initial financiers. This will ensure the buying power of their investment in advance, the fiat financing of any and all donations are considered to be investments of themselves...

Very good news for the future.

This is very exciting!

Prophecy unfolding with G.O.D.coin.

Follow God's will and seek his son .. this is definitely in his pathway/plan!

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Great news!

Better get some cryptocurrency NOW!!!

All the preparation the people need for financial stability is in the article. Thank you for sharing.