Women In crypto

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Right now women make up 51% of the populationAccording to the censusreporter.org the there are 323 million people in the United States (https://censusreporter.org/profiles/01000US-united-states/)

women pop.jpg

Google analytics results put the crypto divide at 96.57 % men to 3.43% women. The sentiment surrounding bitcoin in the media is that it’s a risk. Studies suggest that women are less likely to expose finances to risk as opposed to me men who are more likely to do so.

Some studies suggest that only 5% to 7% of all cryptocurrency users are women making the industry a male dominated one.

I actually agree with this point of view based on personal experience. The women in my life my wife, mother and sister are absolutely clueless when it comes to bitcoin and crypto currency. I have had conversation with my wife to fill her in on what im investing in to get feedback so he has some information on the basics on bitcoin and what a blockchain is. But she doesn’t want to get invested in anything that she feels has not stood the test of time, and seems to be risky. My mother and sister have no idea what bitcoin is period. But to be honest this might not be a bad thing, women getting in late when all of the bugs and improvements have been made might allow for a smoother transition for them. As an “early” investor December 2017, I see allot of potholes and caution signs on the unrefined areas of bitcoin and altcoins especially as it relates to just getting fiat into an exchange to purchase bitcoin to purchase another altcoin. It’s a multilayers process that is not a smooth transition. When women become more prominent investors you can bet that will be a process that will less taxing.
More female role models are needed in the crypto space to get women more comfortable with investing in bitcoin and altcoins. Anyone seen Oprah lately? Women are very good investors and in many cases can be better investors then men.
It has been reported that only 10% of the US population is invested in crypto currency. That’s 3 million out of 300 million. If we could get to 21 million that would be an increase of 700%. That 350 billion market cap would go into the trillions. We can get there if we get women involved and allow them to see the tremendous opportunity that crypto currencies have to offer. W e are missing out on 51% of the population guys. Womens investment in crypto spells success for steemit investors and crypto investors across the board. We cannot discount the impact that women will have on the crypto universe going forward. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bitcoin-s-gender-divide-could-be-a-bad-sign-experts-say-1.4458884 https://www.forbes.com/sites/lamjackie/2017/12/10/where-are-the-women-in-the-blockchain-network/#49a220bd530a A recent study by Mara Mather and Nicole R. Lighthall found that gender differences are more intense under stress. Male risk taking tends to increase under stress, while femal risk taking tends to decrease under stress. https://hbr.org/2013/02/do-women-take-as-many-risks-as




Good article mate. Definitely more women are needed in crypto. Infact, a research done by nordea bank or the norwegian sovereign wealth fund also showed that out of shares that outperformed the index, more companies were led by women than men.

I think the low rate of interest in crypto from women is probably because historically women have been more financially dependent. With that trend changing, the proportion of women in crypto should also go up, both on investment side and dev side.

Women are involved on the corporate side but not in very high numbers. The overall impression of crypto needs to be legitimized. If Oprah was in crypto millions of women would jump in.

Haha, i agree with that. One powerful woman.. there are so many tech entrepreneurs who speak about this. Jack dorsey, tim draper.

NASDAQ ceo is a woman but may be has more male following.

I regret not buying weight watchers stock. My wife told me to buy some when Oprah bought ownership in thr company but I decided against it because weigtwatchers was not profitable at the time. I would have made 7× on my investment if I listened to her.

Well there will be more opportunities. She might also have a lot of short ideas for you in the retail space.

Thank you for you support my man!!

@karamyog where do you live? Country?

Sorry didnt see this. I live in london mate.

Along with the high risk it may also be the disciplines that currently have greater exposure to crypto are male dominated e.g. finance, soft ware engineering. But yes as crypto gets larger we will need more people involved in design and human psychology (marketing) which may lead to more women.

Yes the corporate positions that pay women who graduate from college with a degree will drive more women into the crypto blockchain positions.