Is Crypto Staying Out of the Mainstream Good or Bad?

in #bitcoin6 years ago


As this Axios post mentions, the Chicago Board Options Exchange will no longer support futures trading in Bitcoin as of July of this year.

When you combine that fact along with the other points made in the post such as:

  • Citibank abandoning its "Citicoin" project
  • Goldman Sachs giving up on the idea of starting a "crypto-only" dedicated trading desk

Is this truly indicative of a pessimistic future for all forms of cryptocurrency as Axios implies by stating, "If nothing catches on in a big way soon, crypto may be out of lifelines."

Or is the fact that some of the interest by the financial establishment elites in crypto is waning actually a good thing? A way for crypto to continue on its natural path — to follow its original destiny, if you will. One in which decentralization, anonymity and privacy are paramount. One free from the corrupting influences of legacy financial institutions and paradigms.

In other words, is Axios, in spinning this story into the "impending doom of crypto," entirely wrong?

Could it be that the truth of the matter is that the what has actually happened is that the fox has been successfully kept out of the hen house?

*image source: screenshot from publicly accessible website found here