#Ethereum - Foundation Release Casper 0.1 #ETH
#EncrypGen - Partnership with #Emrify #DNA
#Monkey - New 2.0.1 update #MONK
#Nimiq - Latest Core Update V 1.1.2 #NET
#Bitcore - #Wallet Update
#TokenPay - Has acquired 9.9% of #WEGBank AG #Germany #TPAY
#Verge - Has undertaken a block halving for miners #XVG
#Masari - Announce release of #Brazen Badger #Wallet V #MSR
#Indorse - Regular update #IND
#OST - Announce 1.0 API going live on 17.5.18
#OmiseGO - Has released an updated roadmap #OMG
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